“Daisy and Chickpea Show the World” by Gabe Medina is a captivating and heartwarming tale that invites young readers into a world of friendship, empathy, and the power of change. Join Daisy, a gentle calf, and Chickpea, a bright little chick, as they embark on an extraordinary journey through green fields and beyond, discovering the strength of their bond and the impact of their voices.
In this beautifully illustrated picture book, children will explore themes of love, loss, and the importance of caring for all living beings. Daisy and Chickpea’s adventure is not just a story—it’s a movement, inspiring the next generation to choose kindness and make a difference.
Perfect for young readers and families who cherish animal stories with a meaningful message, this book is a tender reminder of the love that connects us all. Get ready to be touched by Daisy and Chickpea’s journey and join them in showing the world how compassion can create a ripple of change. A must-read for every child’s bookshelf!
“Animals are my friends...and I don’t eat my friends.”
— George Bernard Shaw
What readers say
"Daisy and Chickpea Show the World" is a fantastic read for the kiddos. The cute illustrations had my kids hooked, and the story is all about being kind to animals and making a positive impact.
The book's message is spot on, teaching our little ones empathy and making them think about their choices.
This one's a keeper, a must-have for your child's bookshelf!
"Daisy and Chickpea Show the World" is a cute and creative picture book with a touching story. It's about Daisy, a baby calf, and Chickpea, a tiny chick, who become friends after being separated from their mothers. The illustrations are adorable, and the book's message is all about spreading love and kindness, especially towards animals. It's a sweet and meaningful read for kids and parents alike.
The illustrations in this book are not only cute but also incredibly creative, bringing the characters and their world to life. The depiction of Daisy and Chickpea's friendship is heartwarming, and readers will be drawn to their lovable personalities.
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